
Monday 5 August

Morning masterclasses 9.30am - 12.30pm 

Masterclass 1: Introduction to structured giving 

A panel discussion showcasing Australia’s leading experts on the options available for structured giving. Our panel will initially do a deep dive into PAFs, Private Charitable Giving and Testamentary Trusts as well as PuaFs and Giving Circles. This will be followed by a facilitated and interactive conversation on the pros and cons of each structure, the strengths and weaknesses and who you can seek direction from. Also, hear directly from audience members about their choice of structured giving vehicle and why. 

Intended audience: Any funders just starting out or those who are established and seeking further information, includes family foundations, individuals and corporates. Intermediaries and not-for-profits who are seeking to understand giving structures. 

Content level: All levels.


  • David Ward, Australian Philanthropic Services
  • Emily Wellard-Baring, Perpetual Limited
  • Olivia Clark-Moffatt, Australian Communities Foundation
  • Chris Wilson, Koda Capital

Masterclass 2: Engaging your staff in your corporate giving strategy 
From skilled volunteering to workplace giving, hear how leading corporate funders are innovatively engaging their teams in their corporate giving strategy and cultivating a culture of philanthropy within their broader organisation. 
Intended audience: Corporate foundations and NFPs.
Content level: Intermediate.
  • Amy Lyden, Westpac Foundation and Westpac Scholars Trust
  • Anna Le Masurier, Macquarie Group Foundation
  • Biheng Zhang, Intrepid Foundation
  • Nikki Anstis, Workplace Giving Australia 
  • Jane Calvert, Westpac Group
Masterclass 3: Introduction to First Nations engagement 
This cultural awareness workshop with Uncle Major “Moogy” Sumner AM will commence or enhance participants’ cultural journey through a comprehensive, in-depth workshop. This workshop will enable participants to begin to understand Ngarrindjeri culture, broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and encourage organisations to examine their values and belief systems. 
Intended audience: All welcome.
Content level: Introductory.
Major “Moogy” Sumner AM
Talera Gollan-Davey
Masterclass 4: What do you need to Pay What It Takes 
At the PWIT Masterclass you can join us by using your expertise and experience to expand the PWIT movement. Whether you’re starting your journey or looking to deepen your understanding, the PWIT Masterclass will support you in honing your PWIT leadership skills. Join Ash Alluri, Principal Social Innovator from The Australian Centre Social Innovation (TACSI), Lisa Allan (The Smith Family) and Richenda Vermeulen (Ntegrity), the Co-Chairs from Reframe Overhead, and Susan Helyar, the Co-Lead of the Sector Sustainability Program ACT Government and Jo Taylor (Chair of PWIT Coalition) who will showcase their work encouraging funders and for-purpose organisations to PWIT.  
Come and test the latest tools aimed at spreading PWIT throughout the for-purpose and funding sectors in Australia. Start with the self-assessment tool and then check out the PWIT implementation values and principles, flexible funding guidelines, transparency and open dialogue guidelines or case studies to support your implementation of PWIT.The Reframe Overhead content dives into overheads research and how costs can be reframed to value overhead without negatively impacting brand trust or donations. It also gives you the opportunity to workshop how you can implement these changes in your own organisation. 
Intended audience: Staffs/ board members/ trustees in funding/ grantmaking organisations, for-purpose organisations, not-for-profits and social enterprises.
  • Jo Taylor, Pay What It Takes (PWIT) Coalition; Siddle Family Foundation
  • Lisa Allan, Reframe Overhead Campaign; The Smith Family
  • Richenda Vermeulen, Reframe Overhead Campaign; Ntegrity
  • Susan Helyar, Sector Sustainability Program ACT Government
  • Ash Alluri, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI)
Masterclass 5: Effective government engagement 
Learn proven and practical strategies for engaging with government. 
Intended audience: All welcome.
Content level: Introductory/ intermediate.
  • Neil Pharaoh, Tanck
  • Ellen McLoughlin, Tanck
Masterclass 6: Practical approaches to impact investing

In this session, we will explore the current impact investing landscape in Australia and the role of foundations and funders in scaling the impact investing market. This session will cover blended finance models, including an assessment of grant vs investing opportunities along the capital spectrum, and different due diligence approaches to assess impact investing opportunities. We will discuss how to identify an impact investing opportunity, including the prospective transition of grantees to investees. We will feature case studies and learnings from both foundations and investees on investment readiness, including key metrics and indicators driving intended outcomes.

Intended audience: Funding organisations/ investors.

Content level: Intermediate/ advanced.


  • Michelle Di Fabio, Foundations Group for Impact Investing
  • David Hetherington, Impact Investing Australia
  • Francie Doolan, Small Giants
  • Hanna Ebeling, Social Enterprise Finance Australia (Sefa)
  • William Hart, Evans & Partners

Afternoon masterclasses 1.30pm - 4.30pm 

Masterclass 7: Systems change, challenge led innovation and systems entrepreneurship 
The significant challenges of our time create an imperative for us to be bolder in ambition and prepared to work systemically to address these challenges at scale. However, working systemically can be daunting, and requires cross sectoral approaches and adaptive skills which foster deep collaborative practice to accelerate innovation towards addressing complex, wicked problems. This Masterclass leverages global expert insights and real-world case studies to explore approaches to system change philanthropy, with a particular focus on systems entrepreneurship and field building. 
Intended audience: Philanthropy trustees and practitioners, not-for-profits, consultants, researchers, etc.
Content level: Intermediate/ advanced.
  • Liz Gillies, Menzies Foundation
  • Professor Ingrid Burkett, Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation
  • Belinda Morrissey, English Family Foundation
  • Chris Vanstone, The Australian Centre For Social Innovation (TACSI)
  • Kaj Löfgren, Regen Melbourne
  • Lija McHugh Farnham, The Bridgespan Group (San Francisco, USA)
  • Mark Cabaj, Here to There Consulting Inc
Masterclass 8: Family Foundations: developing an impactful grantmaking strategy
Extend your toolkit for developing your foundation’s grantmaking strategy and hear from other foundations on how they developed their own strategies – balancing both the interests of the family with social need. 
Intended audience: Family foundations. 
Content level: All levels. 
  • Ingrid Albert, Alberts; The Tony Foundation
  • Heather Lord, Robert and Rene Foundation (R&R Foundation)
  • Alex Dimos, Nunn Dimos Foundation
  • Simon Lewis, GoodWolf Partners
  • Simon Freeman, Judith Neilson Foundation
Masterclass 9: Strengthening First Nations led giving and philanthropy

First Nation’s-led giving and philanthropy ensures decisions are informed by experts, with community centred knowledge, leading to the more effective distribution of resources based on meaningful relationships and shared commitments to outcomes. 

Join us as we explore how we can strengthen and grow First Nation’s Led Philanthropy. Hear from First Nations' leaders as they share their experiences working within philanthropic systems, and how they have had to navigate these structures and build relationships to effectively distribute funds to First Nations' communities. 

Intended audience: Staffs/ board members/ trustees in funding/ grantmaking organisations.

Content level: Advanced.


  • Leeroy Bilney, Spinifex Foundation 
  • Warren Miller, Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation; Spinifex Foundation 
  • Craig North, Firesticks 
  • Harriet McCallum, Mannifera 
  • Niall Fay, Fay Fuller Foundation
  • Liandra Gaykamaŋu, Enterprise Learning Projects
  • Tanya McGregor, Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia, Ltd

Masterclass 10: Savvy Giving – A roadmap for contemporary philanthropy in Australia 
Explore key concepts for effective contemporary giving from the second edition of Savvy Giving. Confirm the basics for good practice, and identify some of the challenges, opportunities and trends in the current philanthropic landscape. 
Intended audience: All welcome. New donors, established grantmakers, financial advisers or organisations seeking support.
Content level: All levels.
  • Carly Severino, Australian Communities Foundation
  • Genevieve Timmons, Philanthropy Executive and Consultant
Masterclass 11: Beyond fundraising - building a culture of philanthropy
Join philanthropy and fundraising expert Frankie Airey, in a masterclass tailored for not-for-profit leaders (boards and executives) and fundraising professionals. Learn to cultivate a robust philanthropic culture within your organisation, from leadership roles to integrating philanthropic values into practices, through interactive exercises and real-world case studies. 
Intended audience: All welcome. 
This is tailored for not not-for-profit leaders (boards and executives) and fundraising professionals.
Content level: All levels.
  • Frankie Airey, Betty Amsden Foundation
  • Elouise Holmes, Executive Officer, Yooralla Foundation 
  • Larissa Baldwin-Roberts, GetUp
  • Natasha Bowness, Bowness Family Foundation
  • Katie McLeish, Australian Dance Theatre
Masterclass 12: Funder evaluation for learning: Building capability in ‘deep listening’ for equity and accountability 
This Masterclass explores the theory and practice of deep listening. It is designed to be interactive and practical, providing participants with both the theoretical foundation and the hands-on practice needed to integrate deep listening into their roles in measurement, evaluation, and learning, and ultimately enhancing equity, transparency and accountability within their funding bodies. 
Intended audience: All welcome.
This is tailored for evaluators/ measurement, evaluation and learning (MEL) staff in funding/ grantmaking organisations. For-purpose organisations, not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises, intermediaries and networks are also welcome.
Content level: Advanced.
  • Dr Elizabeth Branigan, Philanthropy Australia
  • Kristine Kaukomaa, Minderoo 
  • Support table group facilitators: Cynthia Scherer, The Anthony Costa Foundation. Katrina Webster, Victorian Legal Services Board